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WV Democratic Party

The WV Democratic Party (WV DP) is governed in the state by the WV Democratic Executive Committee (WV DEC) and nationally by the Democratic National Committee (DNC).  Both of these organizations are guided by their Bylaws.  

The Challenge to the 2020 WV Delegate Selection Plan

Update 10-2019: A memo was sent to the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee on 10.2.19 laying out serious issues with the WV DP and calling on the RBC to take up the previous challenge and/or address the issues prior to approving the WV Delegate Selection Plan.  See October Memo


On April 13, 2019 a challenge to the 2020 WV Delegate Selection Plan was filed on behalf of 28 Democrats in West Virginia.  The  challenge is to hold the WV Democratic Party accountable in the selection of delegates that will represent West Virginia at the 2020 Democratic National Convention and make sure that the process is fair, inclusive and follows the new procedures put in place following the divisive 2016 Democratic primary. 

What is it?    The WV Delegate Selection Plan is the guiding document for how WV Democrats will elect their delegates to their state and national conventions. This is VERY important since delegates choose the nominees for President and Vice-President (NOT the results of the primaries and caucus', which is what most people think) and approve the party platform.  So, if Democratic voters want to make sure their interests are served, we MUST pay attention to this process and participate in every step.


Each state must have a Delegate Selection Plan. It must be open for public comment for 30 days.  The WV DSP is open for comment through March 29 at 5 PM.  See my comments and recommendations.  Please feel free to use these to develop your own comments.  

Governing Documents of the Delegate Selection Plan
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