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We Are Coming Soon
You are now a WV Democratic Party leader.
But, what now?!
You want to build our Party and recruit candidates. You want your committee to be diverse, inclusive and open. You want to get new people involved in registering voters, making phone calls and knocking on doors. YOU WANT TO WIN ELECTIONS!
It all begins with the basics - the structure of the committee. Have a fair, functional and inclusive committee and you will have the building blocks for success.
Some of the most basic aspects of running a Democratic committee are:
Fair and effective notice of meetings and elections
Holding fair elections
Filling vacancies (hint: there's a LOT of them)
Running, or participating in, a meeting that produces results
Including Democrats from historically underrepresented groups
Maintaining equal division
There's more, but let's learn the basics first! Join us to do an overview of the rules of the Party and get your committee off to a terrific start.
The same training is offered on two days in early June: June 2 and June 7 at 6:30 PM.
Click the box below to sign up. There is no fee to attend.
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