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DNC Reform Documents

Documents sent to DNC Members on July 25, 2018
Introductory Letter from Rules and Bylaws Chairs
2020 Call to the Convention with proposed changes
2020 Delegate Selection Plan with proposed changes
Explanation of Automatic Delegate proposal
Charter and Bylaws Amendment proposal
August DNC Tentative Schedule
What do we do next? 
Please contact your DNC members and ask that they support the proposed reforms.
List of DNC members
You can also pass a resolution and send to your DNC members.  Share with press also.

Other Related Information

Superdelegate Reform Motion

This motion was made by Elaine Kamarck and passed with one abstention and one Nay vote in the DNC Rules and Bylaws meeting on June 27, 2018. This is the recommendation of the DNC RBC to the full DNC. The full DNC will vote on August 25, 2018 in Chicago.

Bonafide Democrat

There was a lot of hoopla about "forcing Bernie out of a 2020 run", etc.  Here is the wording that the DNC RBC developed.  While initially concerning to me, I don't think it will prevent Sen. Sanders from running on the Democratic ticket in 2020 if he chooses to run.  I've spoke with two of his top advisers who are not concerned about the language and one stated that the Senator is very aware of the language and would feel comfortable abiding by the requirement if he chooses to run again. 

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